On June 18, four historic animal welfare bills passed into law. During this legislative session, the Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN) pushed for all four bills: SB 876, HB 4164, HB 3660, and HB 598.
“As the only Texas-based, Texas-funded animal protection advocacy group that has been working across the state for decades, this session has been incredible for animals, the people that love them, and our communities,” said Shelby Bobosky, Executive Director of THLN. “Texas has effectuated change for thousands of animals with the passage of four major bills, and we could not be more thankful to the authors, advocates, and legislators in both chambers who dedicated themselves to promoting animal welfare in Texas.”
To view the full story, visit https://www.gilmermirror.com/2023/06/22/four-new-bills-promoting-animal-welfare-pass-into-law/