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Texas Expands Restrictive Medical Pot Program To Combat Opioid Epidemic

Texas is expanding its restrictive medical cannabis program to include patients battling chronic pain. houston chronicle In addition to expanding the approved THC dosing limit from 1 percent to 10mg, reports. While that may seem shockingly low for medical patients in states with more liberal cannabis laws, medical marijuana laws in Texas currently only allow CBD and only 1% of THC. The new law, which takes effect September 1, 2023, may not earn Lone Star State Stoner Points, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. In the original bill, he tried to limit her prescribed THC dose to 5mg, but then amended the bill to a volume dose limit of 10 milligrams.

There is no legal cannabis for adult use in Texas, so forget about rushing to the pharmacy and dabbing. State Compassionate Use Program, or CUP, was first passed in 2015 and limited the medical use of cannabis to less than 1% for intractable epilepsy. The list of qualifying conditions will be expanded again by the Texas Legislature in 2019 and 2021 to include autism, cancer, multiple sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, multiple sclerosis, and some others.

Our website is dedicated to providing Texans and those interested in Texas politics with the latest news on legislative activity. We aggregate news from various sources, including local news outlets and official government sources, to ensure that our coverage is comprehensive and up-to-date. | 2023

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