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Texas to lead nation with ‘most consumer-friendly’ data privacy bill, state lawmaker says

Texas will have the “most consumer-friendly” data privacy law in the nation, says the bill sponsor, state Rep. Giovanni “Gio” Capriglione.

He also successfully sponsored a second bill monitoring the growth and ethics of artificial intelligence. The Southlake Republican answers The Watchdog’s questions in this lightly edited Q&A.

Watchdog: You once told me that I was the only person in Texas who can pronounce your name correctly.

Giovanni: Still are.

Dog: First, I want to talk about your creativity. When you were fighting a few years back for a privacy law, you used personal information available on social media to tell the committee members — your colleagues — something about their lives. And they were surprised. And now this time around for your artificial intelligence bill, you argued for it by reading a statement created by AI. Explain how you did that.

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