In Idiocracy, the 2006 Mike Judge classic, the most average man in the U.S. military, Joe Bauers (Luke Wilson), is selected for a government hibernation experiment, but the overseers forget about the project, and Bauers wakes up five hundred years later in an America that has become profoundly stupid. Costco doubles as a law school and food crops are watered with Brawndo, a sports drink marketed as “It’s what plants crave.” The president is a wrestler and porn star named Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho (Terry Crews), who punctuates his State of the Union address with gunfire and wins the people over by conceding that he knows “s—’s bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.” In this idiot world, average Joe Bauers is the smartest man alive.
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